all postcodes in KT8 / WEST MOLESEY

find any address or company within the KT8 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT8 9LJ 1 1 51.403344 -0.357326
KT8 9LP 17 1 51.401418 -0.358502
KT8 9LR 2 0 51.397838 -0.34823
KT8 9LS 34 1 51.398153 -0.345688
KT8 9LT 26 0 51.397719 -0.346804
KT8 9LU 25 1 51.396801 -0.34734
KT8 9LX 38 3 51.398457 -0.345526
KT8 9LZ 10 0 51.398472 -0.343398
KT8 9NF 6 0 51.399702 -0.343253
KT8 9NH 28 1 51.399488 -0.346582
KT8 9NJ 22 0 51.399644 -0.34493
KT8 9WL 1 1 51.402916 -0.369878
KT8 9YB 1 1 51.402916 -0.369878
KT8 9YE 1 1 51.402916 -0.369878
KT8 9JE 4 0 51.403318 -0.343985
KT8 9EP 7 0 51.403327 -0.343999
KT8 9AD 5 0 51.401026 -0.344082
KT8 9HZ 0 51.400379 -0.346032
KT8 9BT 0 51.403064 -0.344498
KT8 9BU 7 0 51.407309 -0.346415