all postcodes in KT / Kingston upon Thames

find any address or company within the KT postcode area

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District

KT / Kingston upon Thames

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT1 2UL 8 1 51.407676 -0.296681
KT1 2UN 32 0 51.407296 -0.295933
KT1 2UP 2 1 51.408371 -0.295051
KT1 2UQ 10 0 51.408134 -0.301596
KT1 2UR 24 0 51.407527 -0.299433
KT1 2UW 23 0 51.407763 -0.295275
KT1 2YL 1 1 51.404724 -0.292814
KT1 2YS 1 1 51.404724 -0.292814
KT1 3AA 34 1 51.410972 -0.288995
KT1 3AB 32 0 51.411044 -0.288417
KT1 3AD 21 0 51.410262 -0.287834
KT1 3AE 45 0 51.411186 -0.286427
KT1 3AF 32 0 51.411285 -0.287042
KT1 3AG 37 0 51.4113 -0.287458
KT1 3AH 3 0 51.412125 -0.286076
KT1 3AP 38 0 51.406466 -0.293908
KT1 3AQ 26 0 51.411272 -0.28802
KT1 3AR 19 3 51.405251 -0.29506
KT1 3AT 26 0 51.406146 -0.293531
KT1 3AU 39 0 51.406021 -0.293004