all postcodes in KT / Kingston upon Thames

find any address or company within the KT postcode area

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District

KT / Kingston upon Thames

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT1 3GG 25 0 51.406283 -0.295553
KT1 3GQ 38 0 51.406231 -0.295067
KT1 3GW 6 0 51.406566 -0.284745
KT1 3GY 14 0 51.406545 -0.28514
KT1 3GZ 24 17 51.403326 -0.291932
KT1 3HA 12 0 51.407478 -0.28681
KT1 3HB 12 0 51.406861 -0.287055
KT1 3HD 42 0 51.405628 -0.285743
KT1 3HE 36 1 51.406519 -0.285817
KT1 3HF 9 0 51.406543 -0.285637
KT1 3HG 25 1 51.406101 -0.284323
KT1 3HJ 40 0 51.406968 -0.285794
KT1 3HL 9 0 51.407463 -0.286394
KT1 3HN 27 0 51.407418 -0.285812
KT1 3HP 18 0 51.407827 -0.285452
KT1 3HQ 1 1 51.406102 -0.284345
KT1 3HR 42 0 51.407831 -0.286343
KT1 3HS 27 0 51.40828 -0.286959
KT1 3HT 21 0 51.408703 -0.286943
KT1 3HU 60 0 51.408523 -0.286317