all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 3ET 27 0 56.035506 -3.506577
KY11 3EU 1 0 56.03563 -3.497851
KY11 3EW 13 0 56.03777 -3.502203
KY11 3HA 14 0 56.034952 -3.452387
KY11 3HB 1 1 56.034259 -3.481186
KY11 3HD 6 0 56.047576 -3.503784
KY11 3HE 8 1 56.05007 -3.508927
KY11 3HF 5 0 56.049531 -3.489767
KY11 3HH 7 0 56.034211 -3.483704
KY11 3HJ 25 1 56.034891 -3.488449
KY11 3HL 29 3 56.03447 -3.483858
KY11 3HN 5 0 56.034683 -3.484059
KY11 3HP 5 0 56.034407 -3.481593
KY11 3HQ 2 1 56.05336 -3.490666
KY11 3HR 1 0 56.034571 -3.481423
KY11 3HS 20 0 56.034767 -3.480772
KY11 3HT 8 1 56.034207 -3.481024
KY11 3HU 22 0 56.033005 -3.480897
KY11 3HW 4 0 56.034303 -3.48199
KY11 3HX 3 0 56.033081 -3.480547