all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 4AA 19 0 56.068151 -3.441941
KY11 4AB 5 0 56.06877 -3.439715
KY11 4AD 5 0 56.06878 -3.441129
KY11 4AE 45 1 56.069879 -3.436335
KY11 4AF 6 1 56.070798 -3.432241
KY11 4AG 8 0 56.070156 -3.431831
KY11 4AJ 43 0 56.069658 -3.432873
KY11 4AL 59 0 56.069213 -3.436358
KY11 4AN 42 0 56.068841 -3.435927
KY11 4AP 23 0 56.065358 -3.437147
KY11 4AQ 3 1 56.070593 -3.431349
KY11 4AR 6 0 56.066672 -3.437742
KY11 4AS 12 0 56.064303 -3.435967
KY11 4AT 24 0 56.064319 -3.437686
KY11 4AU 7 0 56.064687 -3.438487
KY11 4AW 22 0 56.06668 -3.437116
KY11 4AX 38 1 56.065307 -3.437675
KY11 4AY 28 0 56.066051 -3.438618
KY11 4AZ 7 0 56.065472 -3.438934
KY11 4BA 44 0 56.064972 -3.439493