all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 1DG 22 0 56.035155 -3.392689
KY11 1DH 2 0 56.032161 -3.390028
KY11 1DJ 7 0 56.026635 -3.3889
KY11 1DL 10 0 56.029958 -3.393834
KY11 1DN 1 0 56.029074 -3.395696
KY11 1DQ 37 1 56.035182 -3.39192
KY11 1DR 24 1 56.029018 -3.391472
KY11 1DS 17 3 56.026818 -3.389356
KY11 1DT 40 0 56.029905 -3.391361
KY11 1DU 28 0 56.029659 -3.391609
KY11 1DX 28 0 56.030633 -3.392109
KY11 1DY 30 1 56.029918 -3.389355
KY11 1DZ 32 0 56.029912 -3.389901
KY11 1EA 34 0 56.031564 -3.39004
KY11 1EB 10 0 56.033126 -3.390193
KY11 1ED 18 0 56.033779 -3.389638
KY11 1EE 23 0 56.034393 -3.390993
KY11 1EF 8 0 56.029139 -3.390723
KY11 1EH 11 3 56.031058 -3.388271
KY11 1EJ 37 0 56.029762 -3.38813