all postcodes in KY12 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY12 7LR 5 0 56.077553 -3.431624
KY12 7LX 2 1 56.078037 -3.426706
KY12 7LY 52 0 56.07903 -3.425942
KY12 7LZ 32 0 56.078599 -3.425878
KY12 7NA 16 4 56.070603 -3.464154
KY12 7NB 4 3 56.070898 -3.463522
KY12 7ND 1 1 56.07108 -3.464076
KY12 7NE 2 2 56.070556 -3.46312
KY12 7NH 30 11 56.070794 -3.463229
KY12 7NL 1 1 56.070262 -3.46186
KY12 7NR 25 2 56.070829 -3.461801
KY12 7NS 18 9 56.07086 -3.461433
KY12 7NT 14 8 56.070365 -3.459229
KY12 7NU 24 10 56.070325 -3.460637
KY12 7NW 7 2 56.070697 -3.462294
KY12 7NX 2 1 56.069859 -3.457941
KY12 7NZ 1 1 56.070018 -3.460421
KY12 7PA 1 1 56.073246 -3.453378
KY12 7PB 1 1 56.069371 -3.45922
KY12 7PD 6 5 56.06997 -3.460708