all postcodes in KY12 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY12 7QH 11 0 56.073698 -3.450165
KY12 7QJ 12 0 56.072787 -3.448878
KY12 7QL 5 0 56.071355 -3.447635
KY12 7QN 22 2 56.072003 -3.447094
KY12 7QP 20 0 56.073055 -3.44598
KY12 7QQ 44 0 56.07842 -3.428924
KY12 7QS 46 2 56.073958 -3.447894
KY12 7QT 32 1 56.073597 -3.448796
KY12 7QW 52 1 56.073271 -3.447498
KY12 7QX 6 4 56.074576 -3.444254
KY12 7QY 3 3 56.075347 -3.443576
KY12 7QZ 41 0 56.074976 -3.44075
KY12 7RA 1 0 56.075832 -3.438983
KY12 7RB 1 1 56.075569 -3.441894
KY12 7RD 1 1 56.076067 -3.439634
KY12 7RE 19 0 56.076647 -3.434627
KY12 7RF 32 0 56.076575 -3.433837
KY12 7RG 37 0 56.076741 -3.43116
KY12 7RH 19 0 56.075683 -3.432534
KY12 7RJ 2 0 56.07579 -3.43064