all postcodes in KY12 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY12 7TU 3 1 56.071406 -3.443284
KY12 7TW 6 0 56.074323 -3.429688
KY12 7TX 13 2 56.074111 -3.445602
KY12 7TZ 6 0 56.073496 -3.443953
KY12 7UA 26 0 56.074227 -3.441799
KY12 7UB 15 0 56.075333 -3.437839
KY12 7UD 12 0 56.075662 -3.435088
KY12 7UE 2 0 56.075431 -3.433679
KY12 7UF 2 0 56.07538 -3.434159
KY12 7UG 7 0 56.075378 -3.435511
KY12 7UH 8 0 56.074761 -3.437641
KY12 7UJ 15 0 56.074841 -3.435331
KY12 7UL 7 0 56.074888 -3.433678
KY12 7UN 7 0 56.074558 -3.434244
KY12 7UP 32 0 56.074439 -3.439043
KY12 7UQ 10 0 56.075067 -3.437556
KY12 7UR 32 0 56.073755 -3.439146
KY12 7UT 14 0 56.074338 -3.433834
KY12 7UU 35 0 56.073436 -3.438717
KY12 7UW 3 0 56.074527 -3.435335