all postcodes in KY13 / KINROSS

find any address or company within the KY13 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY13 9DA 2 2 56.221427 -3.422581
KY13 9EY 9 1 56.219385 -3.4142
KY13 9EZ 2 0 56.222619 -3.388885
KY13 9FP 24 0 56.221018 -3.422906
KY13 9FR 37 0 56.222509 -3.42059
KY13 9FT 12 0 56.221325 -3.419627
KY13 9FW 11 0 56.223308 -3.4222
KY13 9GD 22 0 56.227257 -3.412427
KY13 9GF 6 0 56.225449 -3.404794
KY13 9GG 10 0 56.225568 -3.406106
KY13 9GH 25 0 56.227642 -3.42278
KY13 9GQ 4 0 56.227202 -3.42349
KY13 9HA 1 0 56.224345 -3.3959
KY13 9HB 4 0 56.221986 -3.371397
KY13 9HD 15 1 56.223942 -3.356145
KY13 9HE 31 1 56.222509 -3.34674
KY13 9HF 42 0 56.230174 -3.340879
KY13 9HG 2 0 56.237051 -3.337408
KY13 9HH 2 0 56.21421 -3.329082
KY13 9HJ 9 0 56.213353 -3.330134