all postcodes in KY15 / CUPAR

find any address or company within the KY15 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY15 4LA 1 0 56.320379 -3.015717
KY15 4LB 19 7 56.319074 -3.014842
KY15 4LD 21 6 56.319228 -3.013601
KY15 4LE 22 5 56.319346 -3.012391
KY15 4LF 43 8 56.319021 -3.016926
KY15 4LG 12 5 56.319365 -3.01666
KY15 4LP 31 0 56.319422 -3.01844
KY15 4LQ 1 1 56.31922 -3.017869
KY15 4LS 13 7 56.319341 -3.010758
KY15 4NA 17 0 56.325515 -3.072564
KY15 4NB 21 0 56.375209 -3.098296
KY15 4ND 5 1 56.328793 -3.026145
KY15 4NE 15 0 56.329547 -3.04554
KY15 4NF 5 0 56.323224 -3.057963
KY15 4NG 14 1 56.317093 -3.052022
KY15 4NH 7 0 56.303267 -3.101386
KY15 4NJ 5 0 56.303274 -3.099609
KY15 4NL 9 0 56.343594 -3.059902
KY15 4NN 4 0 56.348229 -3.054772
KY15 4NP 12 0 56.363488 -3.068062