all postcodes in KY16 / ST. ANDREWS

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Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY16 9DP 1 56.339706 -2.805323
KY16 9DQ 0 56.335824 -2.809624
KY16 9DR 1 56.33894 -2.804288
KY16 9DS 1 56.339103 -2.804113
KY16 9DT 1 56.338775 -2.804818
KY16 9DU 0 56.339448 -2.803522
KY16 9DW 0 56.338115 -2.808136
KY16 9DX 0 56.339906 -2.802254
KY16 9DY 1 56.337449 -2.811249
KY16 9EB 0 56.337885 -2.800723
KY16 9ED 0 56.337794 -2.79679
KY16 9EE 10 56.339089 -2.799309
KY16 9EF 10 56.33901 -2.800488
KY16 9EG 3 56.338552 -2.800397
KY16 9EH 1 56.338876 -2.79746
KY16 9EJ 1 56.33802 -2.797863
KY16 9EL 0 56.338483 -2.800008
KY16 9EN 0 56.33846 -2.799344
KY16 9EP 0 56.33834 -2.79698
KY16 9EQ 8 56.338685 -2.799235