all postcodes in KY2 / KIRKCALDY

find any address or company within the KY2 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY2 5LL 0 56.120788 -3.164413
KY2 5LN 0 56.120113 -3.163557
KY2 5LQ 0 56.117822 -3.161654
KY2 5LT 2 56.102281 -3.172665
KY2 5LU 0 56.100799 -3.175465
KY2 5LX 0 56.102507 -3.169665
KY2 5LY 1 56.100571 -3.172066
KY2 5LZ 0 56.107157 -3.171464
KY2 5NA 0 56.107953 -3.179076
KY2 5NB 0 56.106579 -3.180883
KY2 5ND 0 56.107615 -3.181462
KY2 5NE 0 56.107973 -3.175057
KY2 5NF 1 56.108644 -3.179485
KY2 5NG 0 56.107712 -3.183539
KY2 5NJ 0 56.109235 -3.17553
KY2 5NL 0 56.110005 -3.175859
KY2 5NN 0 56.111361 -3.174099
KY2 5NP 0 56.110455 -3.173894
KY2 5NR 0 56.111904 -3.175547
KY2 5NS 1 56.111293 -3.176477