all postcodes in KY3 / BURNTISLAND

find any address or company within the KY3 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY3 9DP 29 1 56.058104 -3.23588
KY3 9DQ 1 1 56.054756 -3.234617
KY3 9DR 21 1 56.057142 -3.23503
KY3 9DT 4 0 56.058525 -3.229647
KY3 9DU 5 0 56.057677 -3.234469
KY3 9DW 4 3 56.05677 -3.236303
KY3 9DX 47 0 56.05843 -3.231121
KY3 9DY 38 4 56.059102 -3.230388
KY3 9DZ 60 0 56.057923 -3.234156
KY3 9EA 26 0 56.061189 -3.229217
KY3 9EB 22 0 56.062272 -3.226971
KY3 9EH 37 1 56.06173 -3.229106
KY3 9EJ 1 0 56.062121 -3.229472
KY3 9EL 22 1 56.063303 -3.229044
KY3 9EN 29 0 56.062855 -3.227086
KY3 9EP 13 0 56.064177 -3.226052
KY3 9ER 37 0 56.063689 -3.227209
KY3 9ES 17 0 56.064005 -3.227413
KY3 9ET 12 0 56.064708 -3.226872
KY3 9EU 8 0 56.065215 -3.226438