all postcodes in KY5 / LOCHGELLY

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Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY5 9QG 9 4 56.12743 -3.309582
KY5 9QH 28 0 56.129969 -3.317503
KY5 9QN 25 7 56.128707 -3.309496
KY5 9QP 1 1 56.127895 -3.310031
KY5 9QQ 27 15 56.127014 -3.308956
KY5 9QR 17 0 56.128178 -3.309334
KY5 9QU 17 0 56.132174 -3.311287
KY5 9QW 13 1 56.130175 -3.309965
KY5 9QX 24 2 56.132117 -3.31238
KY5 9QY 13 1 56.129985 -3.311824
KY5 9QZ 39 1 56.128878 -3.311964
KY5 9RD 1 1 56.129259 -3.310786
KY5 9RE 5 0 56.128337 -3.310658
KY5 9QA 3 0 56.128047 -3.310713
KY5 9HH 25 0 56.12916 -3.29973
KY5 9HJ 21 0 56.12869 -3.298266
KY5 9HR 35 0 56.129772 -3.302244
KY5 9HS 34 0 56.130215 -3.301133
KY5 9HU 15 0 56.129854 -3.299544
KY5 9JQ 0 56.127326 -3.307759