all postcodes in KY5 / LOCHGELLY

find any address or company within the KY5 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY5 0EE 18 0 56.142146 -3.256119
KY5 0EF 51 0 56.14081 -3.256687
KY5 0EG 33 0 56.141081 -3.253959
KY5 0EH 54 0 56.139906 -3.251926
KY5 0EL 42 2 56.139185 -3.250422
KY5 0EN 59 0 56.139476 -3.252732
KY5 0EP 25 0 56.140964 -3.248661
KY5 0EQ 41 0 56.140516 -3.252959
KY5 0EW 1 1 56.138895 -3.255095
KY5 0HA 2 0 56.146582 -3.253704
KY5 0HB 1 0 56.149112 -3.249617
KY5 0HD 1 1 56.154952 -3.254154
KY5 0HF 2 0 56.159039 -3.259761
KY5 0HG 5 1 56.157 -3.294278
KY5 0HH 6 2 56.171882 -3.31699
KY5 0HJ 3 1 56.175803 -3.299034
KY5 0HQ 7 1 56.164406 -3.300035
KY5 0HR 1 1 56.168838 -3.305869
KY5 0JD 18 0 56.149322 -3.260844
KY5 0JE 1 1 56.14649 -3.26368