all postcodes in KY6 / GLENROTHES

find any address or company within the KY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY6 1DZ 14 0 56.196888 -3.1819
KY6 1EA 16 0 56.196558 -3.182583
KY6 1EB 46 0 56.196567 -3.18065
KY6 1ED 4 0 56.196128 -3.182489
KY6 1EE 5 0 56.197775 -3.182137
KY6 1EF 5 0 56.197335 -3.18214
KY6 1EG 15 0 56.197447 -3.182594
KY6 1EH 30 0 56.197646 -3.183471
KY6 1EJ 4 0 56.197929 -3.186751
KY6 1EL 3 0 56.198097 -3.187965
KY6 1EN 11 0 56.197073 -3.188852
KY6 1EP 7 0 56.197375 -3.189249
KY6 1EQ 32 0 56.196565 -3.183679
KY6 1ER 4 0 56.197689 -3.189421
KY6 1ES 6 0 56.196557 -3.189255
KY6 1ET 14 0 56.196903 -3.187816
KY6 1EU 24 0 56.199137 -3.185354
KY6 1EW 15 0 56.196857 -3.189861
KY6 1EX 15 0 56.19956 -3.187124
KY6 1EY 10 0 56.198747 -3.187663