all postcodes in KY7 / GLENROTHES

find any address or company within the KY7 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY7 4BY 12 0 56.1938 -3.168413
KY7 4DA 25 0 56.174611 -3.155605
KY7 4DD 35 0 56.174377 -3.154631
KY7 4DE 6 0 56.175228 -3.152064
KY7 4DF 8 0 56.175118 -3.153268
KY7 4DP 18 0 56.194873 -3.165158
KY7 4DR 11 0 56.193966 -3.162214
KY7 4DS 31 0 56.192405 -3.161007
KY7 4DT 20 0 56.192805 -3.162388
KY7 4DU 26 1 56.193044 -3.165635
KY7 4DX 9 0 56.192421 -3.166953
KY7 4DY 6 0 56.192457 -3.165939
KY7 4DZ 58 0 56.192398 -3.164584
KY7 4EA 6 0 56.192275 -3.163307
KY7 4EB 24 0 56.192161 -3.162063
KY7 4ED 16 0 56.191858 -3.163697
KY7 4EE 18 0 56.191943 -3.167148
KY7 4EF 7 0 56.192462 -3.169195
KY7 4EG 10 0 56.19175 -3.16566
KY7 4EH 7 0 56.192943 -3.168694