all postcodes in KY8 / LEVEN

find any address or company within the KY8 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY8 1DJ 28 0 56.174027 -3.038119
KY8 1DL 2 0 56.175151 -3.038085
KY8 1DN 15 0 56.174395 -3.039305
KY8 1DP 44 0 56.17489 -3.035968
KY8 1DQ 59 0 56.176184 -3.035954
KY8 1DR 49 0 56.175502 -3.033681
KY8 1DS 20 0 56.174135 -3.034868
KY8 1DT 38 0 56.17481 -3.03268
KY8 1DU 5 0 56.173834 -3.039757
KY8 1DW 21 0 56.174319 -3.037563
KY8 1DY 33 0 56.176062 -3.034437
KY8 1EA 3 2 56.182227 -3.034509
KY8 1EB 46 0 56.176934 -3.036522
KY8 1ED 21 0 56.179006 -3.036965
KY8 1EE 22 0 56.176903 -3.0381
KY8 1EF 2 0 56.175305 -3.039188
KY8 1EG 18 0 56.174383 -3.04069
KY8 1EH 2 1 56.173389 -3.042679
KY8 1EJ 8 0 56.177966 -3.037774
KY8 1EL 4 0 56.177895 -3.038903