all postcodes in KY9 / LEVEN

find any address or company within the KY9 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY9 1DN 0 56.18976 -2.822372
KY9 1DP 0 56.190327 -2.817772
KY9 1DQ 0 56.191519 -2.816895
KY9 1DR 0 56.190779 -2.82007
KY9 1DS 0 56.189737 -2.820063
KY9 1DT 2 56.188612 -2.816188
KY9 1DU 0 56.192437 -2.819331
KY9 1DX 0 56.191695 -2.817724
KY9 1DY 0 56.191614 -2.82012
KY9 1DZ 0 56.191823 -2.81848
KY9 1EA 1 56.190515 -2.815165
KY9 1EB 0 56.189472 -2.815272
KY9 1EH 0 56.191288 -2.813699
KY9 1ER 2 56.197621 -2.818008
KY9 1EU 1 56.195489 -2.797769
KY9 1EX 1 56.207829 -2.804087
KY9 1EZ 0 56.215897 -2.825862
KY9 1HA 0 56.202112 -2.851729
KY9 1HB 1 56.194114 -2.862104
KY9 1HD 0 56.21 -2.856705