all postcodes in LD1 / KNIGHTON

find any address or company within the LD1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LD / Llandrindod Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LD1 6HY 6 1 52.213875 -3.440053
LD1 6LA 4 0 52.213199 -3.440924
LD1 6LB 6 0 52.212841 -3.440824
LD1 6LD 11 4 52.212551 -3.44023
LD1 6LE 23 0 52.214885 -3.439157
LD1 6LF 41 0 52.211584 -3.439203
LD1 6LG 9 0 52.210608 -3.440313
LD1 6LH 22 3 52.214237 -3.442195
LD1 6LL 20 0 52.214738 -3.442979
LD1 6LN 8 3 52.215614 -3.442656
LD1 6LP 1 0 52.216279 -3.441229
LD1 6LR 12 0 52.216657 -3.441987
LD1 6LS 15 0 52.216274 -3.440906
LD1 6LT 4 0 52.215566 -3.442977
LD1 6LU 1 0 52.208376 -3.440534
LD1 6LW 3 0 52.216135 -3.442702
LD1 6LX 17 0 52.210098 -3.441585
LD1 6LY 14 0 52.215001 -3.444261
LD1 6LZ 11 0 52.21109 -3.441339
LD1 6NA 2 0 52.211298 -3.436933