all postcodes in LD1 / KNIGHTON

find any address or company within the LD1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LD / Llandrindod Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LD1 6RR 18 0 52.282215 -3.334579
LD1 6RS 22 0 52.283396 -3.338206
LD1 6RT 2 0 52.292732 -3.326146
LD1 6RU 13 0 52.28316 -3.327488
LD1 6RW 7 0 52.282943 -3.357426
LD1 6RX 1 0 52.274517 -3.341867
LD1 6RY 41 0 52.27592 -3.338655
LD1 6SA 7 0 52.275229 -3.341668
LD1 6SB 8 0 52.282654 -3.332276
LD1 6SD 28 0 52.300064 -3.328751
LD1 6SE 37 0 52.307908 -3.311502
LD1 6SF 12 1 52.31014 -3.309929
LD1 6SG 16 0 52.311922 -3.30876
LD1 6SH 9 0 52.324527 -3.315192
LD1 6SL 9 1 52.302607 -3.293306
LD1 6SN 13 0 52.316447 -3.269752
LD1 6SP 9 0 52.324889 -3.246135
LD1 6SR 14 1 52.332967 -3.244894
LD1 6SS 4 0 52.344789 -3.266968
LD1 6ST 2 0 52.337475 -3.275245