all postcodes in LD8 / PRESTEIGNE

find any address or company within the LD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

LD / Llandrindod Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LD8 2BG 16 0 52.275763 -3.010068
LD8 2BL 6 1 52.275748 -3.010815
LD8 2BP 18 2 52.274952 -3.007133
LD8 2BS 5 0 52.275147 -3.005305
LD8 2BT 4 0 52.275155 -3.00551
LD8 2BU 18 0 52.275281 -3.005425
LD8 2BW 19 1 52.276359 -3.012954
LD8 2BY 8 0 52.275736 -3.006974
LD8 2DA 4 0 52.275895 -3.008297
LD8 2DB 10 0 52.2756 -3.008129
LD8 2DD 3 0 52.274861 -3.009358
LD8 2DE 1 1 52.270812 -3.003448
LD8 2DG 95 0 52.271851 -3.000643
LD8 2DH 57 0 52.27588 -3.015347
LD8 2DL 8 0 52.27179 -3.0058
LD8 2DN 12 0 52.271518 -3.004959
LD8 2DP 4 0 52.273271 -3.008194
LD8 2DT 10 0 52.273015 -3.007572
LD8 2DR 7 1 52.27316 -3.006695
LD8 2DS 6 0 52.272456 -3.007838