all postcodes in LE1 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE1 4FY 12 2 52.635986 -1.138159
LE1 4GH 3 1 52.637607 -1.134876
LE1 4JB 5 4 52.635571 -1.137916
LE1 4JJ 2 1 52.634298 -1.142085
LE1 4JT 36 18 52.63687 -1.142227
LE1 4LD 14 12 52.635239 -1.139311
LE1 4LF 3 3 52.63461 -1.140469
LE1 4LJ 4 4 52.635558 -1.141026
LE1 4LR 7 3 52.634792 -1.142083
LE1 4NF 1 1 52.638514 -1.142084
LE1 4NN 21 9 52.635732 -1.139109
LE1 4NR 1 1 52.63656 -1.140416
LE1 4PF 29 2 52.635728 -1.138592
LE1 4PG 27 0 52.636325 -1.139098
LE1 4PH 4 2 52.638394 -1.140402
LE1 4PJ 1 0 52.63754 -1.140492
LE1 4QH 1 1 52.638924 -1.137946
LE1 4QJ 1 0 52.638924 -1.137946
LE1 4QS 1 0 52.638791 -1.140579
LE1 4RF 1 1 52.6395 -1.139287