all postcodes in LE10 / HINCKLEY

find any address or company within the LE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE10 0RD 34 1 52.552744 -1.368779
LE10 0RE 20 0 52.552945 -1.371062
LE10 0RF 62 0 52.553239 -1.368831
LE10 0RG 21 0 52.5515 -1.373089
LE10 0RH 36 0 52.553135 -1.374673
LE10 0RJ 38 0 52.549585 -1.37145
LE10 0RL 26 0 52.554174 -1.372289
LE10 0RN 33 0 52.554237 -1.370513
LE10 0RQ 28 0 52.551212 -1.373137
LE10 0RS 13 0 52.544417 -1.399408
LE10 0RT 20 0 52.543861 -1.399755
LE10 0RU 15 0 52.543227 -1.400427
LE10 0RW 28 0 52.545 -1.399046
LE10 0RX 26 0 52.543947 -1.398869
LE10 0RY 18 0 52.540176 -1.39286
LE10 0RZ 6 0 52.540029 -1.392095
LE10 0SA 19 0 52.54315 -1.399558
LE10 0SB 20 0 52.538253 -1.392887
LE10 0SD 21 0 52.548643 -1.383777
LE10 0SE 61 0 52.548603 -1.386403