all postcodes in LE10 / HINCKLEY

find any address or company within the LE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE10 0TG 41 0 52.545161 -1.381511
LE10 0TH 38 0 52.543032 -1.381806
LE10 0TJ 9 0 52.545702 -1.385249
LE10 0TL 37 0 52.544619 -1.380943
LE10 0TN 80 0 52.547696 -1.388377
LE10 0TP 26 0 52.547539 -1.384176
LE10 0TQ 28 0 52.542429 -1.381652
LE10 0TR 18 0 52.547083 -1.391467
LE10 0TS 20 0 52.547114 -1.390641
LE10 0TT 14 0 52.547403 -1.387393
LE10 0TU 18 0 52.540814 -1.396316
LE10 0TW 86 0 52.547819 -1.386104
LE10 0TX 15 0 52.541261 -1.397431
LE10 0TY 20 0 52.540983 -1.395813
LE10 0TZ 36 0 52.541236 -1.394438
LE10 0UA 8 0 52.543731 -1.383182
LE10 0UB 11 0 52.542454 -1.386415
LE10 0UD 5 0 52.541648 -1.387104
LE10 0UE 6 0 52.543267 -1.383823
LE10 0UF 16 0 52.54165 -1.387487