all postcodes in LE11 / LOUGHBOROUGH

find any address or company within the LE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE11 1PG 38 0 52.776431 -1.209895
LE11 1PH 38 0 52.777574 -1.207428
LE11 1PJ 3 0 52.777178 -1.207332
LE11 1PL 18 1 52.775517 -1.20373
LE11 1PN 38 2 52.776034 -1.204313
LE11 1PP 36 0 52.775284 -1.205128
LE11 1PQ 36 0 52.777698 -1.207174
LE11 1PR 42 0 52.772732 -1.19462
LE11 1PS 28 0 52.773491 -1.194911
LE11 1PT 1 1 52.775 -1.201605
LE11 1PU 54 0 52.771919 -1.194999
LE11 1PW 35 0 52.77601 -1.203424
LE11 1PX 9 0 52.771669 -1.195588
LE11 1PY 10 0 52.774872 -1.208085
LE11 1PZ 10 0 52.776212 -1.212123
LE11 1QA 8 3 52.776835 -1.212645
LE11 1QB 2 2 52.778088 -1.21272
LE11 1QD 4 4 52.777586 -1.211603
LE11 1QE 12 0 52.789493 -1.21646
LE11 1QF 32 0 52.777132 -1.215382