all postcodes in LE12 / LOUGHBOROUGH

find any address or company within the LE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE12 6LH 35 0 52.829905 -1.189111
LE12 6LJ 55 1 52.830992 -1.194211
LE12 6LL 44 0 52.832149 -1.182093
LE12 6LN 30 0 52.831752 -1.184445
LE12 6LP 8 0 52.831602 -1.183572
LE12 6LQ 23 5 52.83089 -1.1856
LE12 6LR 7 0 52.831908 -1.183656
LE12 6LS 15 0 52.832194 -1.187272
LE12 6LT 14 0 52.829576 -1.172612
LE12 6LU 43 1 52.827632 -1.173658
LE12 6LW 7 0 52.830688 -1.18396
LE12 6NZ 3 1 52.822414 -1.177007
LE12 6LX 31 0 52.829047 -1.174166
LE12 6LY 25 2 52.831488 -1.170958
LE12 6LZ 38 0 52.829718 -1.177567
LE12 6NA 5 0 52.827864 -1.175999
LE12 6NB 24 0 52.829325 -1.176684
LE12 6ND 16 0 52.828712 -1.172584
LE12 6NE 3 0 52.826747 -1.173037
LE12 6NF 32 0 52.829229 -1.174504