all postcodes in LE14 / MELTON MOWBRAY

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Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE14 2EL 2 0 52.720104 -0.901711
LE14 2EN 36 0 52.722754 -0.898868
LE14 2EP 7 1 52.706127 -0.88487
LE14 2ER 1 0 52.725328 -0.893339
LE14 2ES 3 0 52.720477 -0.893743
LE14 2ET 43 2 52.721497 -0.901949
LE14 2EU 1 0 52.723447 -0.899916
LE14 2EW 27 2 52.719777 -0.899454
LE14 2EX 1 0 52.721388 -0.901834
LE14 2EY 31 0 52.723458 -0.897192
LE14 2EZ 4 0 52.721536 -0.912979
LE14 2HA 29 2 52.722505 -0.904915
LE14 2HB 4 0 52.721447 -0.90432
LE14 2HL 8 0 52.685068 -0.923197
LE14 2HN 12 0 52.685961 -0.923685
LE14 2HP 5 0 52.683772 -0.920204
LE14 2HQ 3 0 52.684707 -0.922163
LE14 2HR 28 0 52.68309 -0.92323
LE14 2HT 7 0 52.682513 -0.921211
LE14 2HU 28 1 52.683323 -0.922227