all postcodes in LE17 / LUTTERWORTH

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Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE17 4YW 0 52.452544 -1.21997
LE17 4ZB 0 52.452789 -1.219042
LE17 4GY 16 0 52.469534 -1.202317
LE17 4QX 20 0 52.470268 -1.200493
LE17 4QY 9 0 52.469338 -1.201139
LE17 4UN 19 0 52.469927 -1.199292
LE17 4UQ 14 0 52.470107 -1.199289
LE17 4UW 50 0 52.469781 -1.201635
LE17 4UY 4 0 52.469103 -1.203664
LE17 4FY 7 0 52.470065 -1.203735
LE17 4GF 7 0 52.470395 -1.203258
LE17 4QS 0 52.469542 -1.195457
LE17 4QZ 0 52.46934 -1.196167
LE17 4FL 57 0 52.45966 -1.196564
LE17 5AA 1 0 52.484766 -1.257894
LE17 5AB 5 0 52.484728 -1.259028
LE17 5AD 4 1 52.485472 -1.263036
LE17 5AE 17 0 52.486938 -1.268858
LE17 5RN 3 0 52.486087 -1.269388
LE17 5AF 10 1 52.487994 -1.275512