all postcodes in LE3 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE3 5HB 35 0 52.639071 -1.150836
LE3 5HD 26 0 52.637481 -1.15103
LE3 5HE 35 4 52.640061 -1.150929
LE3 5HF 13 0 52.637463 -1.149715
LE3 5HG 33 2 52.639161 -1.150813
LE3 5HH 53 0 52.638267 -1.150225
LE3 5HL 51 0 52.638376 -1.15048
LE3 5HN 47 0 52.638585 -1.150802
LE3 5HP 44 0 52.636567 -1.148846
LE3 5HQ 38 0 52.636838 -1.149018
LE3 5HR 22 0 52.636573 -1.150944
LE3 5HS 27 0 52.635484 -1.147108
LE3 5HT 23 2 52.636565 -1.147391
LE3 5HU 286 0 52.637956 -1.148295
LE3 5HW 46 1 52.64001 -1.150198
LE3 5JF 52 1 52.63522 -1.14656
LE3 5JG 38 0 52.636544 -1.146925
LE3 5JH 55 0 52.63816 -1.147958
LE3 5JJ 79 0 52.64026 -1.149876
LE3 5JL 42 0 52.636999 -1.148875