all postcodes in LE4 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE4 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE4 1EH 56 0 52.677487 -1.162472
LE4 1EJ 26 0 52.67647 -1.161101
LE4 1EL 1 1 52.666802 -1.165589
LE4 1EN 42 0 52.675649 -1.169532
LE4 1EP 16 0 52.675575 -1.167966
LE4 1ER 49 0 52.669603 -1.168878
LE4 1ET 25 21 52.668544 -1.156278
LE4 1EW 1 1 52.666889 -1.168959
LE4 1EX 2 2 52.673972 -1.157179
LE4 1EZ 2 1 52.66718 -1.164186
LE4 1FB 17 0 52.669002 -1.170324
LE4 1HA 51 1 52.675786 -1.152151
LE4 1HB 1 1 52.667276 -1.172849
LE4 1HE 21 0 52.672798 -1.165593
LE4 1HF 15 0 52.673456 -1.165803
LE4 1HG 11 0 52.673073 -1.166268
LE4 1HQ 12 0 52.673111 -1.166637
LE4 1JX 3 3 52.67369 -1.151682
LE4 1JY 1 1 52.673101 -1.152573
LE4 1WX 1 1 52.674216 -1.153868