all postcodes in LE4 / LEICESTER

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Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE4 2JY 6 2 52.669276 -1.145682
LE4 2JZ 36 0 52.670171 -1.147616
LE4 2LA 32 0 52.669663 -1.148188
LE4 2LB 8 0 52.67001 -1.151494
LE4 2LD 44 0 52.669912 -1.147858
LE4 2LE 50 0 52.670344 -1.15168
LE4 2LF 22 0 52.669342 -1.151122
LE4 2LG 18 0 52.669302 -1.150546
LE4 2LH 36 0 52.668997 -1.151913
LE4 2LJ 26 0 52.669156 -1.151451
LE4 2LL 6 0 52.667302 -1.144951
LE4 2LN 10 0 52.667344 -1.144477
LE4 2LP 28 0 52.66792 -1.149627
LE4 2LQ 42 0 52.668392 -1.149026
LE4 2LR 12 0 52.667272 -1.14198
LE4 2LS 18 0 52.666871 -1.142424
LE4 2LT 13 1 52.666671 -1.143315
LE4 2LU 12 0 52.667161 -1.142795
LE4 2LW 3 0 52.666628 -1.144994
LE4 2LX 16 0 52.669353 -1.150146