all postcodes in LE4 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE4 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE4 7ZL 0 52.660696 -1.10017
LE4 7ZP 0 52.660907 -1.099626
LE4 7ZQ 0 52.662017 -1.103743
LE4 7ZR 0 52.662057 -1.104171
LE4 7ZS 1 52.66206 -1.10457
LE4 7ZT 0 52.660475 -1.103036
LE4 7ZU 0 52.66166 -1.102849
LE4 7ZW 1 52.663187 -1.103823
LE4 7ZX 8 52.663187 -1.103823
LE4 7QZ 2 0 52.662092 -1.121965
LE4 7WY 1 52.612912 -1.194911