all postcodes in LE5 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE5 0JL 5 5 52.646332 -1.098078
LE5 0JP 22 0 52.646079 -1.094403
LE5 0JQ 18 0 52.645823 -1.095029
LE5 0LA 25 0 52.642846 -1.100736
LE5 0LE 2 2 52.647605 -1.091718
LE5 0LF 53 12 52.647413 -1.096045
LE5 0LG 38 1 52.650393 -1.094114
LE5 0LH 8 3 52.642869 -1.100181
LE5 0LJ 16 2 52.645469 -1.096943
LE5 0LL 13 0 52.647363 -1.095411
LE5 0ND 14 0 52.642965 -1.097541
LE5 0NE 31 0 52.643989 -1.098569
LE5 0NF 10 0 52.643726 -1.099388
LE5 0NG 15 0 52.644131 -1.099424
LE5 0NH 43 0 52.64497 -1.099806
LE5 0NJ 8 0 52.645526 -1.098508
LE5 0NL 22 0 52.645575 -1.09901
LE5 0NN 31 0 52.645841 -1.099758
LE5 0NP 6 0 52.646434 -1.100825
LE5 0NQ 37 0 52.64671 -1.101647