all postcodes in LE67 / MARKFIELD

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Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE67 1TG 22 1 52.699688 -1.327003
LE67 1TH 2 1 52.709821 -1.344881
LE67 1TL 1 1 52.712127 -1.342517
LE67 1TS 1 1 52.712251 -1.34216
LE67 1TU 21 17 52.704139 -1.330309
LE67 1TX 5 5 52.703722 -1.337804
LE67 1TZ 1 1 52.702239 -1.331433
LE67 1UA 1 1 52.700602 -1.340811
LE67 1ZL 1 1 52.685633 -1.399944
LE67 1DW 0 52.69855 -1.365229
LE67 1HR 0 52.67642 -1.350803
LE67 1TT 3 2 52.70261 -1.333402
LE67 1PB 0 52.698839 -1.345573
LE67 1UD 6 52.70496 -1.32932
LE67 1UE 8 52.703843 -1.328967
LE67 1SZ 6 52.7029 -1.329041
LE67 1UB 2 2 52.704025 -1.327712
LE67 1GU 13 0 52.675888 -1.34877
LE67 1GW 30 0 52.675928 -1.349509
LE67 1PH 6 3 52.695473 -1.344928