all postcodes in LE67 / MARKFIELD

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Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE67 2HB 58 0 52.711719 -1.375147
LE67 2HD 44 0 52.712946 -1.379512
LE67 2HE 48 1 52.712453 -1.379711
LE67 2HF 14 0 52.720301 -1.40958
LE67 2HG 44 1 52.713658 -1.372855
LE67 2HQ 19 0 52.71244 -1.38057
LE67 2HR 50 0 52.711741 -1.381089
LE67 2HT 35 0 52.71326 -1.37255
LE67 2HU 43 0 52.71448 -1.373598
LE67 2HW 55 0 52.713264 -1.376621
LE67 2HX 8 0 52.712753 -1.375133
LE67 2HY 8 0 52.713745 -1.375785
LE67 2HZ 12 1 52.713998 -1.376092
LE67 2JA 17 0 52.720303 -1.40653
LE67 2JD 9 0 52.707136 -1.377285
LE67 2JS 8 0 52.727308 -1.394382
LE67 2JT 19 0 52.726403 -1.395016
LE67 2JU 10 0 52.72708 -1.395466
LE67 2JW 9 0 52.727962 -1.395617
LE67 2JY 11 0 52.728797 -1.395516