all postcodes in LE67 / MARKFIELD

find any address or company within the LE67 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE67 6LS 31 0 52.690036 -1.396096
LE67 6LT 22 0 52.690564 -1.395497
LE67 6LU 11 0 52.691411 -1.395973
LE67 6LW 35 0 52.691084 -1.397087
LE67 6LX 12 0 52.685701 -1.393863
LE67 6LY 24 0 52.6858 -1.395651
LE67 6LZ 18 0 52.688169 -1.398296
LE67 6NA 11 0 52.695096 -1.399266
LE67 6NB 14 0 52.693091 -1.401055
LE67 6ND 18 0 52.686257 -1.400764
LE67 6NE 22 1 52.6895 -1.40032
LE67 6NF 29 1 52.690449 -1.399484
LE67 6NG 25 0 52.693164 -1.399589
LE67 6NH 18 1 52.686848 -1.400238
LE67 6NJ 42 0 52.694858 -1.39853
LE67 6NL 21 1 52.687983 -1.404276
LE67 6NN 59 3 52.687312 -1.401311
LE67 6NP 32 1 52.690274 -1.402173
LE67 6NQ 38 0 52.690271 -1.401685
LE67 6NR 29 0 52.6938 -1.402554