all postcodes in LE7 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE7 7JT 9 0 52.695823 -1.161958
LE7 7JU 11 0 52.695923 -1.163421
LE7 7JW 11 0 52.67456 -1.192832
LE7 7JX 5 0 52.689029 -1.150933
LE7 7JZ 1 1 52.709045 -1.137934
LE7 7LA 10 0 52.704557 -1.157617
LE7 7LB 25 1 52.708255 -1.138083
LE7 7LD 12 3 52.70343 -1.162227
LE7 7LE 30 0 52.70778 -1.153248
LE7 7LF 7 0 52.700655 -1.162561
LE7 7LG 1 1 52.705449 -1.147832
LE7 7LH 21 1 52.705034 -1.15638
LE7 7LJ 66 6 52.708516 -1.139196
LE7 7LL 36 5 52.708805 -1.139353
LE7 7LN 11 0 52.708265 -1.141916
LE7 7LP 7 0 52.710584 -1.150515
LE7 7LR 19 0 52.71009 -1.138106
LE7 7LS 30 0 52.723355 -1.130204
LE7 7LT 12 0 52.723387 -1.130899
LE7 7LU 11 0 52.722835 -1.131606