all postcodes in LE7 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE7 1LD 32 30 52.700862 -1.082437
LE7 1LP 16 0 52.703959 -1.071464
LE7 1LQ 11 0 52.703442 -1.072023
LE7 1LR 9 0 52.702887 -1.07236
LE7 1LS 10 0 52.702494 -1.071481
LE7 1LT 8 0 52.702037 -1.070374
LE7 1LU 25 0 52.703146 -1.06978
LE7 1LW 8 0 52.703102 -1.068848
LE7 1LX 31 0 52.701936 -1.06911
LE7 1LY 47 2 52.702537 -1.069949
LE7 1NA 38 1 52.694049 -1.090777
LE7 1NB 31 0 52.693395 -1.089932
LE7 1ND 12 0 52.693822 -1.084715
LE7 1NE 42 0 52.692316 -1.088801
LE7 1NF 42 1 52.69199 -1.089592
LE7 1NG 30 0 52.695979 -1.086978
LE7 1NH 16 2 52.695913 -1.087675
LE7 1NL 4 4 52.698201 -1.085926
LE7 1NN 6 0 52.691603 -1.088372
LE7 1NP 75 0 52.696274 -1.084323