all postcodes in LE8 / LEICESTER

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Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE8 5QX 36 7 52.553042 -1.137873
LE8 5QY 72 0 52.554848 -1.131495
LE8 5QZ 26 0 52.552379 -1.134464
LE8 5RA 18 0 52.556382 -1.134807
LE8 5RB 8 0 52.552556 -1.136584
LE8 5RD 40 2 52.551535 -1.13592
LE8 5RE 60 0 52.556031 -1.133566
LE8 5RF 15 3 52.556932 -1.135032
LE8 5RG 2 0 52.552116 -1.136667
LE8 5RH 7 0 52.557473 -1.138975
LE8 5RJ 26 0 52.556438 -1.137549
LE8 5RL 13 7 52.554359 -1.135974
LE8 5RN 4 2 52.554361 -1.13759
LE8 5RP 5 5 52.555108 -1.13526
LE8 5RQ 30 3 52.555255 -1.135596
LE8 5RR 14 0 52.557329 -1.1327
LE8 5RS 16 0 52.55642 -1.132741
LE8 5RT 56 0 52.556467 -1.151532
LE8 5RU 21 0 52.555815 -1.149612
LE8 5RW 14 0 52.554969 -1.150764