all postcodes in LE8 / LEICESTER

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Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE8 6HT 12 0 52.574276 -1.179623
LE8 6HU 51 0 52.572425 -1.182329
LE8 6HW 30 0 52.572483 -1.181678
LE8 6HX 4 0 52.575326 -1.179397
LE8 6HY 58 0 52.564676 -1.175908
LE8 6HZ 25 22 52.57814 -1.183226
LE8 6JA 27 0 52.566521 -1.176153
LE8 6JB 20 0 52.574879 -1.179774
LE8 6JD 10 0 52.575783 -1.179123
LE8 6JE 52 0 52.574009 -1.173534
LE8 6JF 43 0 52.574268 -1.174606
LE8 6JG 43 1 52.574668 -1.177748
LE8 6JH 28 1 52.575461 -1.174186
LE8 6JJ 47 2 52.576582 -1.177706
LE8 6JL 3 1 52.577006 -1.184345
LE8 6JP 10 0 52.573939 -1.178995
LE8 6JQ 21 0 52.571735 -1.181412
LE8 6JR 2 0 52.57623 -1.18132
LE8 6JS 27 10 52.574183 -1.181824
LE8 6JT 17 0 52.574526 -1.175487