all postcodes in LE8 / LEICESTER

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Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
LE8 8AB052.534687-1.044565
LE8 8AD052.533127-1.048476
LE8 8AE052.530607-1.044879
LE8 8AF052.523213-1.064505
LE8 8AG052.531824-1.045192
LE8 8AH052.531793-1.045836
LE8 8AJ1252.535561-1.044767
LE8 8AL052.534784-1.042115
LE8 8AN352.534177-1.048291
LE8 8AP052.534627-1.048296
LE8 8AQ152.525184-1.060307
LE8 8AR052.533197-1.046012
LE8 8AS252.533959-1.04464
LE8 8AT052.535323-1.046497
LE8 8AU052.536438-1.047726
LE8 8AW252.532427-1.04307
LE8 8AX152.532089-1.043515
LE8 8AY252.534811-1.045447
LE8 8AZ052.532438-1.045557
LE8 8BA052.538396-1.047477