all postcodes in LE8 / LEICESTER

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Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
LE8 8DE052.529045-1.039484
LE8 8DF052.528161-1.039149
LE8 8DG052.527517-1.040681
LE8 8DH052.528379-1.040574
LE8 8DJ052.527942-1.042087
LE8 8DL052.53722-1.047635
LE8 8DZ052.536625-1.05415
LE8 8LL052.534333-1.046415
LE8 8TA052.541081-1.050471
LE8 8TB052.541812-1.050751
LE8 8TD052.54045-1.051281
LE8 8TE052.539516-1.05139
LE8 8TF052.540177-1.048722
LE8 8TG052.540033-1.050863
LE8 8TH052.539136-1.048892
LE8 8TJ052.537992-1.048592
LE8 8TL052.531379-1.043516
LE8 8TN052.533742-1.041106
LE8 8TP052.532453-1.041812
LE8 8TQ052.532807-1.041067