all postcodes in LE9 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE9 6SP 0 52.531856 -1.227027
LE9 6SQ 0 52.533727 -1.231285
LE9 6SR 0 52.535238 -1.229961
LE9 6SS 0 52.535142 -1.229063
LE9 6ST 0 52.53236 -1.227151
LE9 6SU 0 52.527436 -1.212424
LE9 6SW 0 52.526233 -1.211295
LE9 6SX 0 52.525043 -1.221797
LE9 6SY 0 52.525309 -1.221158
LE9 6SZ 0 52.526428 -1.221846
LE9 6TU 21 52.529245 -1.215487
LE9 6TW 5 52.53032 -1.217635
LE9 6TX 0 52.534607 -1.225579
LE9 6UB 0 52.526695 -1.216004
LE9 6UD 0 52.524188 -1.222902
LE9 6UF 0 52.523066 -1.216452
LE9 6UG 0 52.523308 -1.214944
LE9 6UH 0 52.52243 -1.215343
LE9 6UJ 1 52.522972 -1.21719
LE9 6UL 0 52.527465 -1.215519