all postcodes in LE9 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE9 9QB 20 0 52.627144 -1.299854
LE9 9QD 8 0 52.648045 -1.28907
LE9 9QF 24 0 52.622435 -1.292499
LE9 9QG 6 0 52.622017 -1.291797
LE9 9QY 15 0 52.627502 -1.294929
LE9 9QZ 4 0 52.626829 -1.298234
LE9 9WR 1 0 52.629693 -1.341419
LE9 9WU 1 0 52.629693 -1.341419
LE9 9YQ 1 0 52.629693 -1.341419
LE9 9ZN 1 1 52.629693 -1.341419
LE9 9ZP 1 1 52.629693 -1.341419
LE9 9WY 1 52.629693 -1.341419
LE9 9QH 10 0 52.646159 -1.286441
LE9 9AJ 0 52.629719 -1.342763
LE9 9DR 0 52.628439 -1.287778
LE9 9PG 0 52.633469 -1.346223
LE9 9PX 0 52.634293 -1.345827
LE9 9PY 0 52.634148 -1.347085
LE9 9QE 0 52.634039 -1.345407
LE9 9JA 0 52.626526 -1.304739