all postcodes in LL11 / WREXHAM

find any address or company within the LL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL11 0ZY 1 53.04748 -2.993861
LL11 0ZX 1 53.048508 -2.994452
LL11 0LN 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0BY 1 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0DE 0 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0DH 1 53.048909 -3.000085
LL11 0EW 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0FB 1 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0FE 1 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0FG 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0FS 1 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0FT 1 1 53.048909 -3.000085
LL11 0GL 1 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0GS 1 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0GT 0 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0GW 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0HB 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0HF 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0HG 1 1 53.048893 -3.000085
LL11 0HJ 1 0 53.048893 -3.000085