all postcodes in LL11 / WREXHAM

find any address or company within the LL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL11 6ES 11 1 53.076621 -3.036225
LL11 6ET 5 0 53.075346 -3.036075
LL11 6EU 29 0 53.077858 -3.036702
LL11 6EW 2 0 53.077433 -3.039872
LL11 6HA 6 2 53.07133 -3.031725
LL11 6HB 4 0 53.070809 -3.030667
LL11 6HD 24 0 53.069219 -3.035674
LL11 6HF 4 0 53.068421 -3.034416
LL11 6HG 9 0 53.067932 -3.033718
LL11 6HH 1 0 53.067803 -3.034163
LL11 6HL 2 0 53.067967 -3.034644
LL11 6HN 2 0 53.067852 -3.034447
LL11 6HP 15 1 53.066407 -3.032383
LL11 6HR 3 0 53.065395 -3.031971
LL11 6HS 2 0 53.064769 -3.031329
LL11 6HT 16 0 53.06389 -3.030234
LL11 6HJ 2 0 53.064908 -3.030825
LL11 6HU 2 0 53.063055 -3.029945
LL11 6HW 4 0 53.067657 -3.034368
LL11 6HX 5 0 53.058807 -3.031783