all postcodes in LL13 / WREXHAM

find any address or company within the LL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL13 9JP 17 1 53.080216 -2.880053
LL13 9JQ 6 0 53.081709 -2.880069
LL13 9JR 4 0 53.080245 -2.88077
LL13 9JS 14 0 53.081032 -2.882772
LL13 9JT 17 16 53.047101 -2.929365
LL13 9JW 14 0 53.080712 -2.881063
LL13 9JX 8 0 53.079958 -2.880914
LL13 9JY 55 0 53.061136 -2.961974
LL13 9JZ 12 0 53.079651 -2.882326
LL13 9LA 26 0 53.04565 -2.966119
LL13 9LB 14 0 53.045071 -2.965435
LL13 9LD 11 0 53.044215 -2.965684
LL13 9LE 13 0 53.044407 -2.966389
LL13 9LF 14 0 53.043747 -2.966852
LL13 9LG 8 0 53.044196 -2.967996
LL13 9LH 13 0 53.044355 -2.967224
LL13 9LJ 12 0 53.062359 -2.966329
LL13 9LL 7 0 53.044585 -2.967661
LL13 9LN 17 0 53.044623 -2.968512
LL13 9LP 16 0 53.045371 -2.970498