all postcodes in LL14 / WREXHAM

find any address or company within the LL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL14 1TP 31 1 52.992339 -3.061366
LL14 1TR 6 0 52.993228 -3.060374
LL14 1TS 4 0 52.9922 -3.061495
LL14 1TT 3 0 52.99598 -3.073001
LL14 1TU 8 1 52.988039 -3.07066
LL14 1TW 3 0 52.995919 -3.059025
LL14 1TY 5 0 52.988923 -3.082227
LL14 1UA 20 0 52.990333 -3.103924
LL14 1UB 6 0 52.9961 -3.096248
LL14 1UE 9 0 53.004141 -3.087362
LL14 1UF 5 0 53.002042 -3.083867
LL14 1UG 22 0 53.010977 -3.090813
LL14 1UH 3 0 53.018801 -3.095064
LL14 1UJ 1 1 53.016203 -3.080704
LL14 1UL 2 0 53.016606 -3.081563
LL14 1UN 3 0 53.011595 -3.077324
LL14 1UP 22 0 53.010331 -3.039495
LL14 1UR 46 0 53.009998 -3.037475
LL14 1US 10 0 53.012146 -3.039643
LL14 1UT 4 0 53.010397 -3.038155